Universität Bonn

Bonn Center for Digital Humanities

24. July 2024

Overview of the handling of archaeo-geophysical data in Germany Survey results on the handling of archaeo-geophysical data in Germany

Publication of expert survey results as part of NFDI4Objects

NFDI4Objects - Survey Results on Data Management in Geophysical Prospecting in Archaeology

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A questionnaire was developed in NFDI4Objects Task Area 1 and a survey was conducted from January to March 2024 to gain an overview of the use of geophysical prospection in archaeology. It was aimed in particular at long-standing experts working in research institutions, state offices or commercial enterprises in this field. The responses were edited and summarised in a report. They provide a detailed insight into the practical geophysical prospection activities of the various stakeholders involved in cultural heritage research. In addition, a basis was created for the establishment of the NDFDI4Objects Community Cluster Geophysical Prospection to discuss valid standards for the handling of geophysical data and metadata. A standardised approach to archaeo-geophysical data is desirable and necessary to facilitate sustainable access, long-term archiving and handling of this data for data users, especially for those who are not experts in this field.


Sonnemann, T., Werban, U., & Schuetze, C. (2024). NFDI4Objects - Survey Results on Data Management in Geophysical Prospecting in Archaeology. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12793252

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