Universität Bonn

Bonn Center for Digital Humanities

Herodotus' Egypt and Ancient Studies
An interdisciplinary digital teaching and learning platform

The Greek author Herodotus is of outstanding relevance in the teaching of several ancient subjects. In a teaching alliance of Egyptology, Classics, Ancient History, Classical Archaeology and Old Testament Studies, a digital teaching platform will be created that intents to train students in dealing with various ancient sources. In doing so, the text will be enriched with culturally and historically relevant information on places, persons, historical events and objects. For this purpose, the BCDH will design and implement the platform together with the representatives of the participating subjects. At the same time, the BCDH will create 3D models of archaeological objects in the university's collections that can be linked to Herodotus and his time. The project is funded by the University's Strategy Fund for Studies and Teaching.

Contact: Prof. Dr. Ludwig Morenz, Egyptology Uni Bonn:


A. Ermakov, BCDH

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