Universität Bonn

Bonn Center for Digital Humanities

15. January 2024

A newly discovered walled enclosure of the Mongol Empire period in the Orkhon Valley, Mongolia A newly discovered walled enclosure of the Mongol Empire period in the Orkhon Valley, Mongolia

New publication in Studia Archaeologica

For the first time, a Mongol-era walled enclosure was discovered on the right, eastern bank of the Orkhon in Arkhangai aimag. Its documentation was carried out with a fixed-wing eBee X drone. The design of the settlement, comparative examples and artifacts are briefly described. It was only used during the 13th/14th century CE and testifies to the intensive development of the Orkhon Valley during the Mongol Empire.

Mongolei_16x9.jpg © P. Heimermann
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This paper resulted from the newly started DFG project "Der urbane Einfluss auf dem mongolischen Plateau"

Bemmann, J., Heimermann, P., Munkhbayar, Lkh. & S. Reichert. 2023.  A newly discovered walled enclosure of the Mongol Empire period in the Orkhon Valley, Mongolia. STUDIA ARCHAEOLOGICA, DOI: https://doi.org/10.5564/sa.v43i2.3190.

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