Universität Bonn

Bonn Center for Digital Humanities

11. Januar 2023

Beyond Inca roads: archaeological mobilities from the high Andes to the Pacific in southern Peru Beyond Inca roads

Ein neuer wissenschaftlicher Artikel von Christian Mader (BCDSS), David Beresford-Jones, Matthias Lang (BCDH) et al.

Der in der Zeitschrift "Antiquity" veröffentlichte Forschungsartikel befasst sich mit den tiefgreifenden Veränderungen von Abhängigkeiten und Mobilität und mehr! Er wurde von Christian Mader vom BCDSS, dem ehemaligen BCDSS Heinz Heinen Fellow David G. Beresford-Jones, Matthias Lang vom BCDH und weiteren Kollegen aus Argentinien, Peru, Großbritannien und Deutschland veröffentlicht.

Beyond Inca roads: archaeological mobilities from the high Andes to the Pacific in southern Peru
Beyond Inca roads: archaeological mobilities from the high Andes to the Pacific in southern Peru - A new article was published by Christian Mader (BCDSS), Fellow David Beresford-Jones, Matthias Lang (BCDH) et al. © BCDSS
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The Andes offers a particularly effective focus for an archaeology of mobility because their extreme topography compresses enormous vertical resource diversity across short horizontal distances. In this article, the authors combine findings from two large-scale archaeological studies of adjacent watersheds—the Nasca-Palpa Project and One River Project—to provide the necessary context in which to explore changing mobilities from the Archaic Period to the Inca Empire, and from the Pacific coast to the high Andes. Analyses of obsidian lithics and stable isotopes in human hair are used to argue that changing patterns of mobility offer a new way of defining the ‘Horizons’ that have long dominated concepts of periodisation here.

Beresford-Jones, D., Mader, C., Lane, K., Cadwallader, L., Gräfingholt, B., Chauca, G., Grant, J., Hölzl, S., Coll, L.V.J., Lang, M., Isla, J., French, C.  and M. Reindel (2023). Beyond Inca roads: Archaeological mobilities from the high Andes to the Pacific in southern Peru. Antiquity, 97(391), 194-212. doi:10.15184/aqy.2022.168

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