Universität Bonn

Bonn Center for Digital Humanities

30. November 2023

BCDH Outreach in Bereich from 3D Scanning and Photogrammetry: Conference at the Research Centre and Museum at Monrepos Castle Overview of Novel 3D Documentation Methods and Standards for Archaeological Artifacts and Architecture

Presentation entitled „Photogrammetric Acquisition, RTI and 3D-Laserscanning for Heritage”

Authors: Carlos Pallan Gayol

The December 7th conference, part of the "Dialogues in Pleistocene Archaeology" series in connection with N4DI4Objects, will be held at the Monrepos Archaeological Research Centre. Carlos Pallan and Philippe Kluge from the Bonn Center for Digital Humanities will present their work from various archaeological sites in Mesoamerica, Europe, and Egypt. They will focus on advanced techniques for documenting artifacts and architecture, using technologies such as 3D Photogrammetry, Structure-from-Motion (SfM), Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI), Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS), and Structured-Light Optical Scanning. The conference will delve into the integration of 3D models and data in fields like Museology, Classic Archaeology, Digital Epigraphy and Egyptology, highlighting the challenges and advancements in researching cultural heritage today.

Presentation "Photogrammetric Acquisition, RTI and 3D-Laserscanning for Heritage"
Presentation "Photogrammetric Acquisition, RTI and 3D-Laserscanning for Heritage" - The speakers of the conference, Philippe Kluge and Carlos Pallan from the Bonn Center of Digital Humanities (BCDH) © BCDH, Universität Bonn
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Resulting from the contact between several working groups and research centers affiliated to the National Research Data Infrastructure for Objects (N4DI4Objects), two members of the Bonn Center for Digital Humanities (BCDH), Carlos Pallan and Philippe Kluge, have been invited by the Monrepos Archaeological Research Centre and Museum for Human Behavioural Evolution to hold a presentation at Monrepos Castle (in the vicinity of Neuwied, in Rhineland-Palatinate). This research centre is part of the Leibniz Center for Archaeology (LEIZA).

The presentation will take place this coming Thursday, December 7th at 10:30 AM (Central European Time) and all interested can also follow it remotely through the following Zoom link:


 Meeting-ID: 843 9574 2386, Kenncode: 294336

   The event's venue is known as a historic location, built around 1762 as the residence to the widow of Prince Wilhelm zu Wied, and later remodeled to serve, since 1986 as the headquarters of the "MONREPOS Archaeological Research Center and Museum of Human Behavioral Evolution" (source: Wikipedia), as part of the conference series “Dialogues in Pleistoscene Arachaeology”, which provides a lecture format for sharing and discussing the latest research findings at Monrepos.

      The examples that will be featured encompass the different state-of-the-art methods for documenting archaeological artifacts and architecture using technologies such as 3D Photogrammetry,  Structure-from-Motion (SfM), Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI), Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) and Structured-Light and other Optical Scanning Devices, based on the extensive combined fieldwork expertise that both authors acquired working with several archeological projects in places such as Sakkara (Egypt), Tikal and Uaxactun (in the Maya region), as well as documenting Medieval European Architecture.

     Starting from the premise that reality is and was three-dimensional, the authors will outline different approaches to overcoming the challenges of cultural heritage research, the different types of recording methods and the advantages and disadvantages of each. Using specific examples in the fields of digital epigraphy, architectural reconstruction and restitution of artifacts in museums to their original archaeological contexts in situ and virtual "world" creation, they will explain how the latest 3D tools are being put at the service of creating ever more informed reconstructions. This section shows how the BCDH is providing advanced interactive 3D capabilities for museums and collections and for teaching through projects such as the Open Museum Project, to which Pallan belongs, and the Virtual Cooperation Project (ViCo), which has Kluge as a member.

Presentation "Photogrammetric Acquisition, RTI and 3D-Laserscanning for Heritage"
Presentation "Photogrammetric Acquisition, RTI and 3D-Laserscanning for Heritage" - Examples of Archaeological Reconstructions. Left: 3D reconstruction of the Palace (House A) at Palenque, Maya region, Mexico (3D modelling by Juan Monsivais, Tlamachqui, Mexico, based on reconstruction drawings by Carlos Pallan, BCDH). Right: 3D rendering of the sarcophag at the necropolis of Sakkara (Matthias Lang, Philippe Kluge, BCDH) © Left: Juan Monsivais (Tlamachqui). Right: BCDH, Universität Bonn
Carlos Pallan Gayol
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