Universität Bonn

Bonn Center for Digital Humanities

02. November 2023

"Human History and Digital Futures" (Online publication) "Human History and Digital Futures" CAA2018 Tübingen proceedings are published online

Proceedings of the CAA2018 Tübingen are online

The 46th conference of "Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology" was held in Tübingen, Germany, March 29-23, 2018. Now the proceedings have also been published. The papers discuss the whole spectrum of digital archaeology. Free access to the papers is available on the University of Tübingen publisher's page (see below).

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Landscape Remote Sensing

Extraction of Linear Structures from LIDAR Images Using a Machine Learning Approach (Clément Laplaige, Jean-Yves Ramel, Xavier Rodier, Shuo Bai & Ronan Guillaume)

Multispectral Images Classification applied to the Identification of Archaeological Remains: a Post-Dictive Perspective
(Andrea Gennaro, Giuseppe Mussumeci, Michele Mangiameli, Alessio Candiano & Gabriele Fargione)

Stereo-Satellite Imagery for the Creation of DEM and Topographic Maps to Support site Management of the UNESCO World Heritage Minaret of Jam (Afghanistan) (Georgios Toubekis, Albert Moll, Michael Jansen, & Matthias Jarke)

Challenges in Palaeolithic Spatial Archaeology: Two Eurasian Case Studies (Patrick Cuthbertson & Peny Tsakanikou)

3-Dimensional Analysis

A Browser-Based 3D Scientific Visualisation of the Keros Excavations (Dante Abate , Marina Faka, Sorin Hermon, James Herbst, Evi Margaritis, Michael Boyd & Colin Renfrew)

Viability of Production and Implementation of Retrospective Photogrammetry in Archaeology (Colin Wallace & Dorina Moullou)

Powerful Pictures: Uncovering Data in Aerial Photogrammetric Imagery (Scott Ure)

Using Nonoptimal or Archival Photographs for Constructing 3D Models (Robert J. Bischoff & James R. Allison)

Digging in Excavation Diaries: Digital Re-Assessment of Stratigraphy in 3D GIS. The Sanctuary of Ayia Irini, Cyprus
(Valentina Vassallo, Giacomo Landeschi & Sorin Hermon)

Knowledge Management

Novel Approaches to the Re-assembly, Re-association and Re-unification of Cultural Heritage collections –the GRAVITATE project solution (Martina Polig, Sorin Hermon, Chiara Eva Catalano, Michela Spagnulo, Giusi Sorrentino, Stuart E. Middleton & Stefano Modafferi)

Taming Ambiguity - Dealing with doubts in archaeological datasets using LOD (Florian Thiery & Allard Mees)

Evaluating QField as a Mobile GIS Solution for Archaeological Survey (Adam Pažout)

Evaluation of Tools for Clustering of Archaeological Data (Martina Trognitz)

Networks & Computing

Using ABM to explore the role of socio-environmental interactions on Ancient Settlement Dynamics (Frédérique Bertoncello, Marie-Jeanne Ouriachi, Célia da Costa Pereira, Andrea Tettamanzi, Louise Purdue, Rami Ajroud & Jérémy Lefebvre)

Virtual Kinship Networks: Exploring Social Networks from an Agent-Based Model (James R. Allison)

Modeling timescapes: Delineating Site Exploitation Territories (SET) by using topography derivates and the open-source statistical language R (Jan Johannes Miera, Karsten Schmidt & Philipp Gries)

Strange attractors in the Norwegian Stone Age (Espen Uleberg & Mieko Matsumoto)

Communicating Archaeology

Un-#VEiLing the potential of Social Media: Open Archaeology for Public Engagement (Carla Ardis, Riccardo Giovanelli, Anna Bernardoni & Arianna Traviglia)

VR and the death of the frame? Filmmaking in an age of immersive technology (Kieran Baxter)

Documenting archaeological knowledge construction as information practices (Zachary Batist)

Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology

Matthias Lang, Volker Hochschild, Till Sonnemann (Hgs.) 2023. Human History and Digital Futures. Proceedings of the 46th Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative
Methods in Archaeology. Universität Tübingen

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