Universität Bonn

Bonn Center for Digital Humanities

10. November 2023

New Book: Digital Archaeology - Promises and Impasses Digital Archaeology - Promises and Impasses (Sidestone Press)

ab 23-11-2023 bei Sidestone Press

Including an Article by Jason E. Laffoon & Till F. Sonnemann: Isotopes, Isoscapes, and the Search for Geographic Origins: Unrealized Potential or Unrealistic Expectations?

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"Archaeology has been going digital for some time now! Topics such as GIS databases, 3D models, drone photography, meta- and paradata, semantic mapping, text mining, simulation, and social network analysis have become commonplace in archaeological discourse and practice."

e.g. Jason E. Laffoon & Till F. Sonnemann (2023) "Isotopes, Isoscapes, and the Search for Geographic Origins: Unrealized Potential or Unrealistic Expectations?" In: Tuna Kalaycı, Karsten Lambers & Victor Klinkenberg (Hgs.)  Digital Archaeology - Promises and Impasses, Kap. 4. Sidestone Press.

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