Universität Bonn

Bonn Center for Digital Humanities

12. April 2024

Participation of the BCDH in the TRAnsDigital workshop: Digitization of the humanities and social sciences Workshop presentations on generative AI, augmented reality, image forensics and research data platforms

Workshop presentations on generative AI, augmented reality, image forensics and research data platforms

Authors: Carlos Pallan Gayol, Matthias Lang, Carmen Rac

As part of the TRAnsDigital workshop taking place at the Digital Hub Bonn, the BCDH and the Open Museum Project will hold two presentations and workshops on Friday, April 26, 2024. The first, by Prof. Dr. Birgit Mersmann (Kunsthistorisches Institut) and Dr. Matthias Lang (BCDH), will take place from 10:00 - 11:20 a.m. and is entitled "Authenticity on the Test Bench. Generative AI, Extended Reality and Image Forensics in the Image and Object Sciences".
    The second presentation and workshop will be held by Prof. Dr. Karoline Noack (Institute of Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology and head of the Open Museum Project), accompanied by Dr. des. Carlos Pallan Gayol (BCDH, Open Museum) and Edouard Grigowski (BCDH, Open Museum) will take place from 11:45 - 12:45 and is entitled "Versatile research data platforms for university collections - A basis for integrated, sustainable and transdisciplinary research in the digital age?"
    The TRAns Digital Workshop is organized by three different Transdisciplinary Research Areas (TRA  Present Pasts, TRA Sustainable Futures and TRA Individuals and Societies) and will take place at the Digital Hub (Am Hauptbahnhof 6 | 53111 Bonn). You can find more information about the event on the official website here: Registration for 'TRAns Digital' (April 26, 2024) - University of Bonn (uni-bonn.de)

Registration for 'TRAns Digital' (April 26, 2024) — University of Bonn (uni-bonn.de)

Participation of the BCDH and OpenMuseum in the TRAnsDigital Workshop: Digitalization of the Humanities and Social Sciences
Participation of the BCDH and OpenMuseum in the TRAnsDigital Workshop: Digitalization of the Humanities and Social Sciences - Presentations on generative AI, extended reality, image forensics and research data platforms © Open Museum Project and BCDH (3D scene created by Carlos Pallan with the Unreal Engine 5.3 software)
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Further details are an abstract for the second presentation and the workshop:

"Versatile research data platforms for university collections - A basis for integrated, sustainable and transdisciplinary research in the digital age?"

(by Prof. Dr. Karoline Noack, Dr. des. Carlos Pallan Gayol and Edouard Grigowski)

 What are the opportunities and challenges of digitizing research in the humanities and social sciences? How can universities use digital advances to develop their best research practices in line with technological developments and in the common interest of society?

This workshop will address the opportunities and challenges of digitization in humanities and social sciences research, where the integration of advanced technologies such as autonomous systems, artificial intelligence, image recognition and media analysis are increasingly central to research methodology.

Various case studies from university museums and collections will be used to explore general digitization issues, stimulate discussion and focus on the creation of versatile, shared platforms that meet the diverse needs of academic and cultural heritage communities.

Carlos Pallan Gayol Matthias Lang Carmen Rac
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