Universität Bonn

Bonn Center for Digital Humanities

08. May 2023

Séminaire sur les SIG et les technologies 3D BCDH-Talk at the Université autonome de Quisqueya en Haïti (virtually)

BCDH-Talk at the Université autonome de Quisqueya en Haïti (virtually)

Lecture by PD Dr Till Sonnemann at the invitation of the BCDSS (Dr Alexa Voss)


  • Brève introduction au patrimoine numérique
  • Modèle de la Plantation Coloniale de Dion (de Philippe Kluge)
  • Traitement photogrammétrique d'un objet par Metashape (de Dr. Matthias Lang)
2023-05-05 Séminaire sur les SIG et les technologies 3D virtuelles
2023-05-05 Séminaire sur les SIG et les technologies 3D virtuelles © BCDH
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Séminaire sur les SIG et les technologies 3D virtuelles (4 & 5 May, 2023)

Université autonome de Quisqueya en Haïti (virtual)

Programme (translation from French)

Day 1: Thursday, 4 May 2023

10:00 -10.30 AM: Introductory remarks.

  • Kenrick Demesvar, Ph.D. Titulaire de la Chaire UNESCO en Histoire et Patrimoine de l'Université d'État d'Haïti: Welcome, presentation of the Chair, placing the seminar in context (10 minutes)
  • Boby Piard, Director General of the CNIGS/responsible IPGH-Haiti: Presentation of the CNIGS, its activities and ongoing work. (20 minutes)

10:30 - 12.30 PM: Workshop (2 hours time).

  • Director of the Centre National d'information Geospatial, CNIGS: Introduction to the Geographic Information System (GIS) including the techniques, methods and applications used. Presentation of the CNIGS database and available maps.

12:30 PM - 1:00 PM: Questions/answers and closing.

Day 2: Friday, 5 May 2023.

10:00 -10.30: Introductory remarks.

  • Kenrick Demesvar, Ph.D., Coordinator/Holder of the UNESCO Chair of History and Heritage at the State University of Haiti. / Farah François Hypolitte: Summary of Day 1 seminar and introduction of Day 2 speakers (10 minutes).
  • Dr Alexa Voss, Coordinator of the Atlas Project on Colonial Settlements and Marronage Routes on the Island of Hispaniola: Presentation of the BCDSS, its activities, the project and the context in which the 3D modelling work related to the Dion Habitation was carried out (20 minutes).

10:30 - 12.30: Workshop (2 hours).

  • Speaker: PD Dr. Till Sonnemann, BCDH, University of Bonn. With contributions by Dr. Matthias Lang and Philippe Kluge: Introduction to 3D modelling for cultural heritage inventories. (Methods, techniques and applications of 3D modelling, concluding with an example of the application of this technology in the 3D reproduction of the Dion House in Les Matheux).

The seminar is for students of the Institut d'Études et Recherches Africaines d'Haïti (IERAH), in particular students of the Master Histoire, Mémoire et Patrimoine; interested students of heritage and tourism and geography, as well as some professionals of the Institut de Sauvegarde du Patrimoine National (ISPAN). About 60 people.

Université autonome de Quisqueya en Haïti (virtuell)

Collaboration between BCDH & BCDSS

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