VR as an application for Inclusion at the Fair of Opportunities
Philippe Kluge at the Diversity Days, May 23rd 2023
BCDH-Talk at the Université autonome de Quisqueya en Haïti (virtually)
Lecture by PD Dr Till Sonnemann at the invitation of the BCDSS (Dr Alexa Voss)
Brève introduction au patrimoine numérique
Modèle de la Plantation Coloniale de Dion (de Philippe Kluge)
Traitement photogrammétrique d'un objet par Metashape (de Dr. Matthias Lang)
18. April, 18:00 c.t.: TRA-Talk about archaeological research in Mongolia by Dr. Tanguy Rolland
Dr. Tanguy Rolland (Université de Bourgogne)
Book publication Ancient Egypt, New Technology with contribution by BCDH
Book chapter in: Ancient Egypt, New Technology - The Present and Future of Computer Visualization, Virtual Reality and Other Digital Humanities in Egyptology
BCDH Contributions at CAA 2023, April 3 – 6, 2023 in Amsterdam
Presentations of results from cooperative research